[千夏字幕组VCB-Studio] Liz to Aoi Tori 莉兹与青鸟 リズと青い鳥 10-bit 1080p HEVC BDRip [Movie Fin]

动漫搬运工 2020-1-12 334


莉兹与青鸟 / Liz to Aoi Tori / リズと青い鳥 BDRip
10-bit 1080p HEVC + FLAC,MKV 格式。电影约 4.5 GB。
外挂 DTS Headphone:X 音轨、5.1 声道音轨和评论音轨。

感谢 千夏字幕组 精心制作的字幕。
Thanks to Airota for elaborating Chinese subtitles.

莉兹与青鸟的 BD 画质相当优秀,线条清晰,画风柔和,画面上都覆盖着一层薄薄的亮度噪点,没有明显需要修复的瑕疵。因此,我们只做了轻度的去色带和补偿性纹理锐化,并保留了所有噪点。得益于柔和的画风,虽然用了高还原度 x265 参数压制,并十分奢侈地保留了所有噪点,体积也比较适中。
本片的配乐对于感情表达十分重要,原盘的音频规格也很豪华,不仅有常规的双声道和 5.1 声道主音轨,还有 DTS Headphone:X 音轨和3条制作人员&声优评论音轨。其中 DTS Headphone:X 可以用双声道模拟5.1声道,让双声道设备的用户感受5.1声道的效果,被称作是最适合耳机用户的音轨。按照 VCB-Studio 的规格,mkv 主文件只包含 2.0ch 主音轨,而 DTS Headphone:X 音轨、5.1声道音轨和评论音轨都用外挂 mka 封装。我们推荐耳机用户观看本片时,在播放器里切换至 mka 中的 DTS Headphone:X 音轨。

The image quality of the Blu-Ray disc of Liz to Aoi Tori is extraordinarily excellent with neat lines, soft images and a thin layer of noise. As it is almost flawless, we only applied mild de-banding and contra-sharpening, and preserved all luminance noise. Thanks to the soft images, the file size is about medium while high revivification x265 parameter is used.
Sound effect is an important factor in expressing emotions in this movie. A great number of audio tracks are included in the original BD disc, which are the common stereo track and 5.1 track as two main soundtracks, and the extra DTS Headphone:X track and three commentary tracks from production staffs and voice actors/actresses. The DTS Headphone:X allows users to experience the effect of 5.1 track by simulating the 5.1 track through a stereo device; it is the best choice for headphone users. According to VCB-Studio's style, only the stereo track is embedded in mkv files, the DTS Headphone:X track, 5.1 track and commentary tracks are all packed as a mka file. We recommend headphone users switching to the DTS Headphone:X track in your media player while watching.

正如之前发布第二季剧场版时的预告,翘首以盼的莉兹与青鸟如约而至。本片没有辜负大家的期待,我个人第一次体会到,原来乐器演奏真的可以比语言更细腻地传达感情,听见长笛和双簧管的演奏时,旋律中的意象几乎浮现在眼前,真是太棒了。为了尽快出炉熟肉,千夏字幕组负责本片的校对甚至在电影院刷了12遍,背下了台词并提前默写翻译稿;后期君拿到片源后立刻争分夺秒地赶工制作字幕。多亏上述成员付出的辛劳,大家才得以在 BD 发售日的前一天看到这部作品,是的你没看错,发售日的前一天。考虑到整理特典、音乐和扫图需要更多时间,我们决定由 LoliHouse 与 千夏字幕组 合作制作精简首发版,随后由 VCB-Studio 制作内容齐全的收藏版。从作品质量来看,莉兹与青鸟确实配得上这样的待遇。总之,又一个大坑填上了,悠风号系列还有一部新剧情的剧场版没有上映,我们到时再见~ by 静流的抱枕

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Please refer to "readme about WebP.txt" if you have trouble viewing WebP images.

基础播放器教程: PotPlayer / MPC-HC / IINA
进阶播放器教程: madVR / PotPlayer+madVR
中文字幕分享区: VCB-Studio 分享论坛(请善用搜索)
项目计划与列表: VCB-Studio 项目列表(每月初更新)

Comparison (right click on the image and open it in a new tab to see the full-size one)









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